Roads Scholar II
Roads Scholar II: Road Master Classes
View RS II Schedule
The Road Master is the second and highest achievement level in Colorado LTAP's Roads Scholar Training Program.
The Roads Scholar II Road Master program is an advanced training program geared towards the experienced maintenance worker, equipment operator, and manager. It is an opportunity for training at a more complex level than Roads Scholar I provides. The program will include a series of courses designed to provide Colorado's municipal highway personnel in all departments with a knowledge of modern road maintenance management procedures and techniques.
Why Become a Road Master?
A properly maintained local road system is vital to the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of Colorado's municipalities; and the local road system represents a significant investment of public funds. Protecting and preserving this investment requires a force of municipal personnel with sound training in roadway management. The Colorado Road Master program provides an opportunity to receive this specialized training.
Anyone can attend Roads Scholar II classes. The Roads Scholar II training program is completely voluntary. Participants may choose to attend LTAP workshops and courses without completing the Roads Scholar II program. Students (or their manager) can track their own progress and course history through LTAP's Learning Management System. Aside from the regular registration fee for each course, there are no additional fees for working toward Road Master recognition. Since it involves no additional costs, persons who frequently attend LTAP classes are encouraged to consider becoming a Road Master!
How Do I Become a Roads Scholar II Road Master?
Road Master participation is based on completion of courses offered under four focus areas:
- Safety
- Environment
- Transportation Management
- Technical Skills
Unlike the Roads Scholar I and Supervisory Skills training programs, Road Master participants earn credit according to the number of contact hours of training attended. A contact hour (or credit hour) is defined as 1 hour of instruction. A half-day workshop would be worth 4 contact hours, while a typical full-day class would be worth 7 contact hours.
Each participant is required to take a minimum of 14 hours in each focus area, and accumulate a total of 84 credit hours to graduate. After the 14 minimum hours in each area, this leaves 28 flex hours for participants to take in any focus area of their choice, in order to tailor the program to fit his or her job requirements and interests.
Credit Expiration: Credit for all classes in the Road Master program expire after 7 years from the class date attended. After that time, the course would not count toward required number of contact hours. To avoid possible future disqualification of outdated credits, participants should plan to complete the program requirements within a seven-year period.
To receive credit for attendance, participants must check in at registration and attend the entire course. An attendee would not be eligible to receive credit if he or she arrives more than 60 minutes after the class has started or leaves before the class is finished.
Graduation: Although courses in both programs may be taken simultaneously, Roads Scholar I must be completed prior to graduating the Roads Scholar II program. Upon completion of the requirements, Roads Scholar II Road Master graduates will be sponsored to attend a local transportation conference to receive formal recognition at an Awards Luncheon.
The Colorado Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the Colorado Association of Road Supervisors and Engineers (CARSE) provide scholarships for Colorado local government agencies to attend LTAP training. Contact Colorado LTAP to request a scholarship.
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Upcoming Road Scholar II Courses
01/01/2025 - Spring 2025 Debris Management (Self-Paced)
01/01/2025 - Spring 2025 Incident Command (Self-Paced)
03/18/2025 - 2- Day! Hot In-Place Recycling (Westminster)
04/10/2025 - Culvert Design, Installation & Maintenance- Central City
04/15/2025 - 2- Day! Hot In-Place Recycling- Glenwood Springs
04/24/2025 - TCS: Traffic Control Specialist (non-certifying)-Johnstown
04/28/2025 - Invasive Weed Management-Frederick
04/30/2025 - Culvert Design, Installation & Maintenance-Kit Carson County
05/05/2025 - Culvert Design, Installation & Maintenance- El Paso County
05/21/2025 - Invasive Weed Management-Pueblo
05/22/2025 - Transportation Asset Management (Online)
Road Scholar II Course Listing